Key icon A password generator for strong, low-complexity passwords

make-lc-password: A Linux shell (bash) script that suggests random, verifiably strong, easy-to-memorize passwords.

Password example:
Key points:
Download: Zip archive | Script | Cryptographic signature | Public key | Folder

Usage examples:
  ./make-lc-passwd  # Suggest one password to the console

  ./make-lc-passwd --numpasswords 3 --linenumbers  # Suggest 3 passwords to the console and number the lines
    1: occurs-shoots-airier-offing
    2: ironic-filets-forgot-fuller
    3: solids-tenpin-chilly-reflex

  ./make-lc-passwd --output lc-passwd-suggestion.txt  # Write one password to a file
  cat lc-passwd-suggestion.txt                        # Show contents of the file

  ./make-lc-passwd --entropy  # Suggest one password to the console and give actual entropy information
  Password suggestion:
  Entropy information:
    System dictionary   : 104334 words
    Custom dict.        : 7352 words (7.0%)
    Custom dict. entropy: 12.89 sh ('bits')
    Password entropy    : 50.56 sh ('bits')

  ./make-lc-passwd --help  # Get help
  Usage: make-lc-passwd [OPTION [PARAMETER]] [...]

  For eMail support, see the eMail address given in the script source.